Go. Home.
I have read cheesy Pinterest boards and quotes on Facebook and other annoyingly vague blog articles about travel that say something along the lines of “Just Go.” They feel fake and cliche and all those other words used to describe something inauthentic.
Well I’m joining the choir - just go, and go alone. Your adventures don’t have to consist of backpacking SE Asia or some other romanticized adventure, they should be going to do that thing you’ve always thought about in the back of your mind. Being alone while doing these things allows you to time look inward and evaluate yourself. Do you still want to do this? What are you learning? What flaws have you discovered? Have your dreams changed? Why do you do the things you do?
Our American culture does a fantastic job of guiding us towards a good job, stable family, 2 story house, and security - all before 30. While I’m not saying those who choose that path are wrong, I’m saying that they might grow and be a better person if they go out and chase their dreams first. You don’t know unless you go.
You know who you rarely see out traveling? Americans and Chinese. Two countries with a great economy but low overall happiness. You know who you always see out traveling? Dutch, French, Danish, Aussies, and Kiwis. All countries with higher overall happiness. Think about that. Those country’s cultures place emphasis on achieving dreams and traveling at a young age and I would argue their citizens are more mature, intelligent, and happy.
I love the states. They are where I was raised. They are comfortable. They are easy. But when I think about selling all my things and stepping on a plane to my next adventure somewhere new in the world, the first thing that goes through my mind is “I’ll be headed back home.”
So go, and go alone, at least for a while…so that when you come back, or decide to stay, or meet your wife, or immerse yourself in a new culture - you are sure about what home means to you.